Apr 2, 2013


-Tonight, I sat and I pondered many things. Friends, love, life, work, faith, trust, money. But I came to rest on trust, and friends.

Not gonna lie, I don't trust many people. Even though it may seem I do. I guess you could say, people know what I allow people to know. I gotta work on that.

◘ Many people put their trust in me. As you probably know (if you know me), people come to me with questions that range from relationship advice to minor personal problems.
Throughout my dealings with people I've come to realize that trust takes time to build and seconds to destroy. Not only can it be destroyed for ONE person in seconds but for anyone thereafter.
 [This I know from experience.]
But, mostly what I've thought about tonight is that, people have said "how can I trust or love again if I could just be hurt. I can't do that again."

Well. Here are my thoughts.
Think about it this way. -->Anything you do in life is a risk. Everything, whether that is driving a car or trusting someone. No matter what you do, there will be some kind of risk. That's the adventure and excitement of life. AND no matter what you do, there will be someone in your life that will take your trust or love or whatever and THROW it to the ground and it smashes into bits...and you'll learn. (Life is lessons) You will learn through the pain that you are strong. But it's tough. And strength is a choice.

[Believe me. I've been low. So very very low that I didn't feel alive anymore. But then I woke up and decided that I didn't want to feel that way anymore. So I made a choice...the choice that I am strong and no one can bring me down(:]

So many people think to themselves "Well, here. Let me make sure this never happens again."
They build walls around themselves. No, not physical walls. Emotional walls. And the funny thing is, many people don't even realize this.

But all the same, they do. They trust less and less they become...distant.
This "great plan" works for a while but then, come the people who won't hurt you, and you end up pushing them away.

Here is my thought.
Even if you have been: Cheated, lied to, talked about, hurt, heartbroken, used, etc.
You have to keep turning the page.
Maybe not for that person, but for others. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Because people may surprise you. And there will be those who won't hurt you. And we all need someone to trust. We can't fight this battle we call life on our own. Even if we think we can. Even if the person you end up trusting is me...you gotta spill to someone.

and if you're like some people I know, you're pretty bad at weeding out the liars...and fakers before-hand. (which sometimes is very obvious they are)
So remember these things:
  • It's about QUALITY, not QUANTITY.
  • The best people are often those who think they are nothing special.
  • The more you: open up, show emotion, are there for someone, the more they will be for you. 
  • Take a chance, it may be the best thing you ever did.
  • What Sally says about Susie says a lot more about Sally than Susie ;)
  • & if someone doesn't like you for you, or makes you feel self-conscious...they probably DON'T like who you really are and THEREFORE don't deserve your trust and/or friendship.

"Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind, DON'T MATTER"
 - Dr.Suess(:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you(: Because trust is important, it is the base of all relationships...

Feb 14, 2013


Oh gosh, I haven't written on here in the longest time. But in light of recent events I think it would be good for me to start writing again.

2012 was a good year. I went through a lot of changes, struggles but I came out stronger.

2013 is still new, yet, I've learned a lot.
I'd like to write it down.
Maybe, share with you, maybe you'll learn something too.
1.) I've learned that, there is no use in chasing affection. If it isn't freely given it probably isn't from someone worth having.
2.) That it's not WHO you are that holds you back, but, who you think you are NOT.
3.) Sometimes we have to just remind ourselves we are enough. Our flaws, our imperfections, every little detail, it is enough.
4.) That even though waiting is hard, anything worth having is worth waiting and fighting for.
5.) People always say "no one said life was easy" but no one said life would be confusing.
6.) "It takes courage to grow up and become who we are going to be" e.e cummings

Nov 2, 2012

I've always felt like...my life has gone how it has for a reason.
To SHARE with other people & to help inspire.
I feel like I was born to make an IMPACT.
I will do this one day. :)
I want to change things, even if they are just small things.
I want to make a difference.
and even if it just means that I change one person's life, i will be happy.
Everyone has a voice and everyone's voice matters. <3

Admit it. This happens alll the time.

Push Past

 Trust me on this.I've found out lately that letting go & pushing past all those things that hold you down or tell you no gives you a  fresh start.
Sometimes, all we need is someone to tell us that we can't to give us the motivation to show them we CAN.

Jan 16, 2012

Everything Isn't As it Seems {A Note}

Everything isn't as it seems.

There are many kinds of people in the world.
There are the liars.
There are the cheaters.
There are the lovers.
There are the haters.
  • And of course we believe the liar. Think they would never lie to us. That they would never want to hurt us. And maybe they don't mean to. But they do. And we learn there are liars in the world.
  • And of course we play with the cheater. Think, believe, hope, they would never cheat us. And maybe they don't mean to. But they do. And we learn there are cheaters in the world.
  • And of course we love the lover. Think they would always be there for us. Always love us and never change their mind. Or leave. Or say anything to hurt us. And maybe they don't  mean to. But they do. And we learn who to love. And who to trust.
  • And there are haters who just want to feel sad or bad. Well, maybe they don't. They just want to know they have power over themselves. Take peoples joy. Bully, sneer, lie, cheat...
But maybe they were the ones who believed the liar, played with the cheater, loved the one who left so they became the hater. They became every hurt they felt. Being hurt over and over can make us hard. Don't let it. People are People and some never change. But that shouldn't stop you from believing they can. Life is life and we learn everyday. Make the best of it. Be the one who hoped. Who lived. Who loved. Even though you could get hurt. Because it will make you stronger. Don't let hurt that happend yesterday ruin your today.
  • We learn. We grow. We live. We hope. We go on.